Is this one of your computer habits? The very worst place to work with your laptop is on your lap! Besides giving you “laptop thigh,” this can cause serious overheating and shutdown issues.
Is this one of your computer habits? The very worst place to work with your laptop is on your lap! Besides giving you “laptop thigh,” this can cause serious overheating and shutdown issues, because the exhaust port for the heatsink fan gets plugged up with lint and dust. Working with the unit on the carpet or blanket is the worst offender, especially if pets like cats and dogs also use the same area. I’m a pet lover; my wife and I have five cats. But I do not work on my notebook where I know a lot of pet hair and dander accumulates.
Working with a notetop on your lap without something sturdy underneath is a computer killer, not to mention the uncomfortable heat build up in the lap area. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. Just don’t do it. When excessive heat builds up, it causes the processors to run hotter. They become less efficient, and if the heat is not dissipated, one or more of the processors will fail. Replacing the motherboard is the only cure at that point. Unfortunately, that usually comes with a heavy price tag. It’s better to invest in an inexpensive “laptop desk” or notebook cooling base.