Computers for College

computers for college

Flashback: When I went to college in the eighties to study mathematics and computer science, I started to use a computer, but it was an IBM mainframe. To calculate some homework I had to sit at a card puncher terminal to create a small program that ran overnight, just to find out next morning that I had a “syntax error in line 12” or so. GIGO strikes again! (If you’re over 40, you might know that this means “garbage in, garbage out”). But I was just using a computer to learn how to write code and program. Then the IBM Personal Computer came out! I started using it to entertain myself with some basic games, but also to create documents for college and my master’s thesis. I did work a bit with a Compaq portable computer. My wife called this computer a “Schleptop;” no one really wanted to lug around a 34 pound PC! The Internet did not really exist yet. Read More at Piedmont Lifestyle



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A Desktop for your Desktop

A Desktop for your Desktop

Do you really need a laptop? Published Warrenton Lifestyle, April 2023 edition In the last decades, laptops have taken over the market and have distinct advantages. But the old-fashioned desktop computer is still worth considering for some computing needs and is...

Tip from the Dok about Batteries

Tip from the Dok about Batteries

Two commonly held untruths about laptop batteries:   1) They last forever. No! With care, the original batteries can last from 3-5 years. Replacements rarely hold up longer than two years. 2) You should always leave them plugged in. No! This habit is a battery...

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