Spring Cleaning: Computer Care Tips

Spring Cleaning: Computer Care Tips

Whether you own a desktop computer or a laptop, your computer probably has most of your work and personal life on it. It’s important to care for them and clean them regularly so they don’t quit on you! Here are some tips from my techs and I to keep your computer in...
Avoid Hot Keys

Avoid Hot Keys

Is this one of your computer habits? The very worst place to work with your laptop is on your lap! Besides giving you “laptop thigh,” this can cause serious overheating and shutdown issues. Is this one of your computer habits? The very worst place to work...
Keyboards and Food

Keyboards and Food

Keyboards get hammered on all the time. But one of the most common reasons they are brought in for repair is spilled drinks. Accidents do happen. But it is surprising how even a little amount of liquid can spell death to not just the keyboard, but the notebook itself....